Theoretical neuroscience in the (a)typical development: sensory/perceptual and motor sampling

Research Center
Research Area


Dott. Luca Casartelli
PhD, P.I. “Theoretical and Cognitive Neuroscience" Unit
Orcid Google Scholar
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Dott.ssa Monica Nicoli
PsyD, research assistant
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Dott. Andrea Vitale
PhD, postdoc
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Dott.ssa Lucia Fumagalli
PsyD, clinical psychologist
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+39 031 877924



The way in which we act and interact in the world strictly depends on our ability to sample (multi)sensory information and map (motorically) the space of action. Research in our group aims to characterize these specific computations from a theoretical and epistemological perspective. We aim to describe neural correlates (in particular, oscillatory correlates) of sensory and (high-level) motor computations and, at the same time, investigate if and how basic anomalies in these components can lead to cascade effects on the development of more complex functions. Our current main focus is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a condition that we investigate benefiting from different (clinical/non-clinical) models, and looking for multiple and converging lines of evidence. Clarifying neural/oscillatory correlates of basic anomalies in (high-level)motor and (multi)sensory functions is the first step to hypothesize innovative protocols for clinical-rehabilitative intervention.

Experimental techniques: psychophysics, EEG, combined EEG +(f)MRI.

Selected publications

  • Casartelli L, Federici A, Fumagalli L, Cesareo A, Nicoli M, Ronconi L, Vitale A, Molteni M, Rizzolatti G, Sinigaglia C. (2020). Neurotypical individuals fail to understand action vitality form in children with autism spectrum disorder. PNAS
  • Casartelli L*, Cesareo A*, Biffi E, Campione GC, Villa L, Molteni M, Sinigaglia C. (2020). Vitality form expression in autism. Scientific Reports. (*co-first authorship)
  • Ronconi L*, Vitale A*, Federici A, Pini E, Molteni M, Casartelli, L. (2020). Altered beta-band oscillations and connectivity underlie detail-oriented visual processing in autism. Neuroimage Clinical. (*co-first authorship)
  • Federici A, Parma V, Vicovaro M, Radassao L, Casartelli L*, Ronconi L* (2020). Anomalous perception of biological in autism: a conceptual review and meta-analysis. Scientific Report (*co-last authorship)
  • Casartelli, L.  Stability and flexibility in multisensory sampling: insights from perceptual illusions. J Neurophysiol
  • Casartelli L,Riva M, Villa L, Borgatti R. 2018. Insights from perceptual, sensory, and motor functioning in autism and cerebellar primary disturbances: Are there reliable markers for these disorders?. Neurosci Biobehav Rev
  • Casartelli LFederici A, Biffi E, Molteni M, Ronconi L, 2018. Are we “motorically” wired to others? High-level motor computations and their role in autism. Neuroscientist
  • Ronconi L, Gori S, Federici A, Devita M, Carna S, Sali ME, Molteni M, Casartelli L, Facoetti A. Weak surround suppression of the attentional focus characterizes visual selection in the ventral stream in autism: an EEG study. Neuroimage Clinical, 2018
  • Casartelli L, Parma V, 2017. The functional and development role of imitation in the (a)typical brain. Behavioral Brain Sciences.
  • Ronconi L*, Casartelli L*Carna S, Molteni M, Arrigoni F, Borgatti R. 2017. When one is enough: impaired multisensory integration in cerebellar agenesis. Cerebral Cortex. [*co-first authorship]
  • Casartelli LFederici A, Cesareo A, Biffi E, Valtorta G, Molteni M, Ronconi L, Borgatti R, 2017. The role of the cerebellum in high stages of motor planning hierarchy. J Neurophysiol.
  • Casartelli L, Molteni M, Ronconi L, 2016. So close yet so far: basic motor anomalies and their role in social impairment in autism spectrum disorder. Neurosci Biobehav Rev.
  • Ronconi L, Molteni M, Casartelli L, 2016. Building blocks of others’ understanding: basic neurocognitive markers of social-communicative impairments in autism spectrum disorder. Front Hum Neurosci.
  • Casartelli L& Chiamulera C. 2016. The motor way: Clinical implications of understanding and shaping actions with the motor system in autism and drug addiction. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci.
  • Casartelli L & Molteni M. 2014. Where there is a goal, there is a way: What, why and how the parieto-frontal mirror network can mediate imitative behaviours. Neurosci Biobehav Rev.


  • Prof. Corrado Sinigaglia (University of Milan)
  • Prof. Giacomo Rizzolatti (University of Parma – CNR Parma)
