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Scientific Centers of Conegliano-Pieve di Soligo (Treviso)

The Scientific Center of Conegliano-Pieve di Soligo was recognized in 1998 as a Regional Center of Eugenio Medea Scientific Institute; it is accredited by the National Health Service and it carries out hospital and extra-hospital activities. The Center hosts patients with mental, physical and sensory disabilities.

Those of Conegliano (1,200 sq m, with 10,000 sq m of green areas) and Pieve di Soligo (4,490 sq m and 27,000 sq m of green areas) are two integrated Centers performing different but complementary functions: the hospital facility with the 2 Units (Unit for Severe Disabilities in Developmental Age in Conegliano; Unit for the Rehabilitation of Acquired Neuropsychological Disorders in Pieve di Soligo) and their specialized clinics, clinical and research laboratories, support services, rehabilitation centers (which include rehabilitation services, clinics, day-care and residential centers), classrooms for ongoing professional education and University degree courses.


The Center of Conegliano


Hospital Activity


Research Activity



Rehabilitation Center
Extra-hospital activity

Unit for Severe Disabilities in Developmental Age

Inpatient admission

Day Hospital


Bachelor degree

  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational therapy

Ongoing professional education

Outpatient rehab

Daycare center

Residential center


The Center of Pieve di Soligo


Hospital Activity


Research Activity


Rehabilitation Center
Extra-hospital activity

Unit for Severe Disabilities in Developmental Age

Inpatient admission

Day Hospital


Outpatient rehab

Daycare center

Residential center


Our professionals work together sinergically in order to meet the needs of people with disabilites, in childhood and young adulthood. To date, the Institute can give a comprehensive and global answer to complex disabilities with childhood onset. We offer individualized evaluation and treatment programs for patients in this transitional age (phase in which there is often a break in the continuity of taking charge).

The Center of Conegliano-Pieve di Soligo is accredited by the National Health Service for the High Specialty activity (3rd level) of neurorehabilitation for inpatient admission and Day Hospital.

Moreover, it is a training facility connected to the training network of the School of Specialisation in Child Neuropsichiatry and in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of Padua University.

Finally, for what concerns education, the Center of Conegliano and Pieve di Soligo has an agreement with the Padua University-Faculty of Medicine and Surgery for the Bachelor degree in Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy.

Services and clinics

Both inpatient and day hospital admission can take advantage of the following services and clinics:

  • Child and adolescent neuropsychiatry
  • Physiatry
  • Neurology
  • Psychiatry
  • Phoniatrics
  • Neuroradiology
  • Neurosurgery
  • Medical Genetics
  • Neuropsychology
  • Ophtalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Psychology


To access evaluation and rehabilitation programs, a referral for inpatient admission has to be made by the pediatrician or the general pratictioner, specifying the reason of the request.

Hospital activities

Scientific Institute - Neurorehabilitation

  • Day Hospital Admission
  • Inpatient admission

Request: a referral on a “red form” is essential, with a request for inpatient admission.

Please remember to give your GP the documents given by our Institute during previous inpatient admissions and medical supervision.

For questions about referrals, please write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Units in Conegliano and Pieve di Soligo (Treviso):

Unit for Severe Disabilities in Developmental Age (UGDE)

Conegliano Center (TREVISO)
Dr. Andrea Martinuzzi


This Unit is devoted to children with neurological and motor pathologies - congenital or acquired - of various origin (vascular, inflammatory, neurodegenerative, traumatic, neoplastic origin), epilepctic syndromes and rare diseases with childhood onset, primitive or secondary psychopathologies, malformative pathologies and severe sensory deficits. The availability of professionals specialized in each field of rehabilitation ensures a global taking charge of the children, which is very necessary in case of pluridisabilities.

The Unit for Severe Disabilities in Developmental Age deals with complex diagnostic, evaluation and rehabilitation problems related to patients coming from other health facilities: NICUs, Units for Severe Brain Injuries, Spinal Units, Neurosurgeries, Pediatric Units.

Unit for the Rehabilitation of Acquired Neuropsychological Disorders (URNA)

Sede di Pieve di Soligo (TV)
Dr. Andrea Martinuzzi


The clinical and research activity of this Unit focuses on the diagnosis, care, functional/neuromotor/cognitive rehabilitation and family/social/working reintegration of patients with acquired brain injuries of various origin, causing neuromotor, mental, cognitive and sensory disabilities.

The Unit hosts young-adult patients in stable cardio-respiratory conditions, presenting complex or rare neuropsychological disorders, outcome of acute cerebrovascular events (i.e. ruptured intracranial malformations, subarachnoid hemorrhage) with complex sequelae as cognitive, motor or psychological alterations; post-anoxic coma; inflammatory and non-inflammatory acute encephalopathies, with complex and multiple outcomes (clinical and medical problems, personality disorders, psychosocial and environmental, global functioning problems).

The Scientific Center of Conegliano - Pieve di Soligo includes the following subunits that operate across the two main Units:


Unit for Severe Disabilities
in Developmental Age


Unit for Rehabilitation of acquired
Neuropsychological Disorders


Neuromotor Rehabilitation Unit
Dr. Andrea Martinuzzi

Epilepsy and Clinical neurophysiology Unit

Dr. Paolo Bonanni
Psychopathology Unit
Dr. Andrea Martinuzzi (ff)



Pieve di




Neuromotor Rehabilitation Unit

Dr. Andrea Martinuzzi

The Unit takes care of patients with the following pathologies: Cerebral Palsies and other perinatal encephalopathies, neuromuscolar and musculoskeletal disorders, motor disorders, severe acquired cerebral injuries in developmental age (trauma, vascular damage, tumors, inflammatory encephalopathies), rheumatic pathologies.

The activity of the Neuromotor Rehabilitaton Unit mainly includes the study of innovative approaches to the rehabilitation of Cerebral Palsies, the intensive rehabilitation of acquired brain injuries (in particular, the complications of child cancer), the neurosurgical functional treatment of spasticity or dystonia, the functional approach to rare diseases as hereditary spastic paraparesis (HSP), heredoataxia (i.e. Friedreich ataxia) hereditary peripheral polyneurophaties (Charcot Marie Tooth) and muscular storage diseases (glycogenosis, lipidosis).

In these areas the Center performs an ongoing epidemiological monitoring, contributing and sometimes promoting the creation of Pathology Registries. The results of our treatments are analyzed in an innovative and objective way, thanks to the availability of modern systems of movement analysis and bioenergetic measurement, as well as an advanced neuroimaging system. These systems identify sensitive and specific biomarkers (e.g. for evaluation of the efficacy of super selecive rhizotomy or of chemodenervation in CP, or for the genotype-phenotype characterization in HSP, or as evolution/response marker in the treatment of FRDA).


  • EMG ed ENG
  • Gait Analysis
  • Surface EMG
  • Muscle ecography
  • Bioenergetic evaluation (Cosmed K5)
  • OEP
  • Static stabilometry
  • Systems for movement analysis and upper limb rehabilitation (ARMEO)
  • Chemodenervation with Botulinum toxin diagnostic-therapeutic protocols
  • Evaluation in many areas: psychology, educational psychology, psychomotricity, kinesiology, speech therapy, neuropsychology, neurovisual evaluation, occupational therapy;
  • Neurophysiology, radiology and neuroradiology examinations;
  • Planning and carrying out of intensive and specific rehabilitation programs;
  • Psycho-educational intervention, familiar counselling for specific problems
  • Planning of extensive and integrated rehabilitation programs and subsequennt monitoring
  • Planning and coordination of a familiar and social reintegration path
Epilepsy and Clinical neurophysiology Unit

Dr. Paolo Bonanni

We host both patients in developmental age and adult age, in order to promote the continuity of care in the taking charge of patients with epilepsy. The sophisticated diagnostic equipment and the close collaboration with the main centers for the Epilepsy surgery, allow the Unit to apply the best procedures for the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsies, also in view of surgical treatment and il cooperation with the surgery Unit. The Center is a reference point for the clinical selection of pre-surgical cases. The Unit also takes care of the rehabilitation programs, proposing specific and individualized rehabilitation treatments that can really improve the patients and families quality of life.

The Epilepsy and Clinical neurophysiology Unit is identified as a Regional reference Center in the Veneto Region and is recognized as a LICE Center (Italian League Against Epilepsy).


  • 2 rooms for long-term video-EEG monitoring
  • Video-EEG-polygraphy awake or asleep
  • Processing of the EEG-EMG signal (i.e. back averaging)
  • Visual, auditory, somato-sensory evoked potentials
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation
  • Blink reflex
  • C-reflex

Diagnostic, therapeutic and research protocols

  • Epilepsy (first diagnosis and follow up);
  • Epileptic and non-epyleptic paroxysmal disorders;
  • Pre- and post-surgical evaluation of patients with drug-resistant epilepsy;
  • Drug-resistant epilepsy not susceptible to surgery;
  • Familial epilepsy;
  • Brain malformations;
  • Sleeping disorders;
  • Paroxysmal and non- paroxysmal movement disorders;
  • Dysmorphic syndromes of neuropsychiatric interest.
Psychopathology Unit

Dr. Andrea Martinuzzi (ff)

The Psychopathology Unit focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and scientific research on the following pathologies:


  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD
  • Tic disorders


  • Behavioral disorders, oppositional defiant disorder
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Mood disorders
  • Psychotic disorders

The inpatient activity allows to produce a diagnosis but is also functional to setting up individualized paths for the patients and their families. Moreover, the availability of instrumental tests allows an etiological study which is essential to identify potential pediatric and neurological causes of neurodevelopmental and psychical disorders.

The Center of Conegliano of the Scientific Institute E. Medea was recognized by Veneto Region as Reference Center for ADHD diagnosis; the clinical approach to this pathology follows the international guidelines and is multimodal: it combines psychological interventions, parent training and pharmacological therapies.

The Unit of Psychopathology identifies drug therapies in a peculiar population of children affected by mental illness in comorbidity with epilepsy, cognitive disabilities and neuromuscular pathologies.

Another area of interest is neuropsychology in preschool children.

In addition to these clinical, therapeutic and rehabilitation activities the Unit carries out, locally, training courses for teachers, parents and health professionals.

The team of this Unit is multidisciplinary and includes many professionals involved in the diagnostic and therapeutic process: child neuropsychiatrists, psychiatrists, psychologists/psychotherapists, speech therapists, neuro psychomotor therapists, occupational therapists, educationalists.

The Center also relies on the advice of specialized professionals, such as epileptologists, neurologists, physiatrists, pediatricians.


© I.R.C.C.S. Medea - Associazione La Nostra Famiglia C.F.-P.IVA 00307430132