
Research Center
Research Area


Dott. Antonio Trabacca
Neurologist; Head of Unit for Severe Disabilities in Developmental Age and Young Adults; Local Supervisor of Scientific Research; Research Unit coordinator
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Dott.ssa Marta De Rinaldis
Child Neuropsychiatrist
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Dott.ssa Isabella Fanizza
Child Neuropsychiatrist
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Dott. Luigi Macchitella
Psychologist, Psychotherapist, PhD
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Dott.ssa Isabella Fanizza
Child Neuropsychiatrist
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Dott.ssa Ivana Gallo

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Dott. Giuseppe Scigliuzzo
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Dott.ssa Rachele De Santis
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Dott. Francesco Craig
Psychologist, Psychotherapist, PhD
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Dott.ssa Anna Lerna
Psychologist, Psychotherapist, PhD
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Dott.ssa Susan Marelli


+39 0831 349111 - Swithboard
+39 0831 349643 - Head of Clinical unit

+39 0831 349423 - Secretariat
+39 0831 349422 - Scientific Secretariat


The research activity in this field is directed to the study of epilepsies in severe brain Injury, to drug-resistant epilepsy both in its therapeutic aspects and for the functional implications on the perspective of rehabilitation recovery in these subjects. The strands of research are: non-pharmacological treatments in drug-resistant epilepsies (VNS); phenotype study, genotype / phenotype correlations in rare syndromes; neuropsychological, neurophysiological and genetic correlations in the most complex forms of epilepsy.

Current research project:
Characterization of epilepsy and intercritical epileptic abnormalities in children with autism spectrum disorder (DSA) and correlations with cognitive-behavioral skills. P.I .: Dott.ssa M. De Rinaldis

Selected publications

  • Lucarelli E, Pasca MG, Fanizza I, Trabacca A. Electroclinical characteristics and neuropsychological profile of a female child with chromosome 5p13.2 duplication syndrome. Neurological Sciences 2017;38: 915-917.
  • De Rinaldis M, Gigante N, Trabacca A. Unusual early positive outcome of VNS therapy: anecdotal honeymoon or atypical prolonged immediate changes? Acta Neurologica Belgica 2017: 1-2.
  • Vergallo P, Lay-Ekuakille A, Giannocaro NI, Trabacca A, Della Porta R, De Rinaldis M. Analyzing and processing EEG-based multichannel signals acquired during sleeping. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST; 2014. p. 358-361.
  • Vergallo P, Lay-Ekuakille A, Giannoccaro NI, Trabacca A, Labate D, Morabito FC, Urooj S, Bhateja V. Identification of Visual Evoked Potentials in EEG detection by emprical mode decomposition. In: 2014 IEEE 11th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, SSD 2014; 2014
  • Lay-Ekuakille A, Vergallo P, Griffo G, Conversano F, Casciaro S, Urooj S, Bhateja V, Trabacca A. Entropy index in quantitative EEG measurement for diagnosis accuracy. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 2014;63: 1440-1450.
  • Lay-Ekuakille A, Vergallo P, Griffo G, Urooj S, Bhateja V, Conversano F, Casciaro S, Trabacca A. Mutidimensional analysis of EEG features using advanced spectral estimates for diagnosis accuracy. In: MeMeA 2013 - IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Proceedings; 2013. p. 237-240.
  • Lay-Ekuakille A, Vergallo P, Griffo G, Kanoun O, Angelillo F, Trabacca A. Wireless network acquisition of joint EEG-ECG-ergospirometric signals for epilepsy detection. In: Proceedings - M and N 2013: 2013 IEEE International Workshop on Measurements and Networking; 2013. p. 41-45.
  • Lay-Ekuakille A, Vergallo P, Caratelli D, Conversano F, Casciaro S, Trabacca A. Multispectrum approach in quantitative EEG: Accuracy and physical effort. IEEE Sensors Journal 2013;13: 3331-3340.
  • Vergallo P, Lay-Ekuakille A, Giannoccaro NI, Massaro A, Urooj S, Caratelli D, Trabacca A. Processing EEG signals through Beamforming techniques for seizure diagnosis. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST; 2012. p. 497-501.
  • Lay-Ekuakille A, Davis C, Kanoun O, Li Z, Trabacca A. Editorial special issue on sensors for noninvasive physiological monitoring. IEEE Sensors Journal 2012;12: 413-415.
  • Mammone N, Lay-Ekuakille A, Morabito FC, Massaro A, Casciaro S, Trabacca A. Analysis of absence seizure EEG via Permutation Entropy spatio-temporal clustering. In: MeMeA 2011 - 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Proceedings; 2011.
  • De Rinaldis M, Gennaro L, Losito L, Trabacca A. Drug-to-drug interaction between sodium valproate and trihexyphenidyl in a child with extrapyramidal cerebral palsy and epilepsy. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2011;67: 315-316.
  • Lay-Ekuakille A, Trotta A, Trabacca A, De Rinaldis M. Advances in EEG signal processing for epilepsy detection. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering; 2010. p. 321-334.
  • Lay-Ekuakille A, Vendramin G, Trotta A, De Rinaldis M, Trabacca A. Characterization and design of EEG classifier: Uncertainty and modeling. In: MeMeA 2008 - IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications Proceedings; 2008. p. 44-48.
  • Trabacca A, Profice P, Costanza MC, Gesualdi M, De Rinaldis M. Levetiracetam in nonconvulsive status epilepticus in childhood: A case report. Journal of Child Neurology 2007;22: 639-641.
  • Lay-Ekuakille A, Vendramin G, Trotta A, De Rinaldis M, Trabacca A. Processing EEG signals for clinical interpretation in seizure-suspected patients. In: MeMeA 2007 2nd - IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurement and Applications; 2007. p. 29-32.


  • UOC Neuropsichiatria Infantile - Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"
  • Dipartimento di Psicologia - Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"
  • Dipartimento di Psicologia - Università  del Salento - Lecce
  • Dipartimento d'Ingegneria dell'Innovazione (DII) Università  del Salento - Lecce
  • UO di Gastroenterologia Pediatrica - Università degli Studi di Bari" Aldo Moro"
  • Miami Children’s Hospital - USA Laboratorio di Psicologia Università  del Salento - Lecce
  • Gruppo Italiano Paralisi Cerebrali Infantili (GIPCI) - Fondazione Pierfranco e Luisa Mariani - Milano
  • Coordinamento Regionale Malattie Rare - l'Agenzia Regionale Strategica per la Salute ed il Sociale - Regione Puglia
  • UOC di Oncoematologia Pediatrica - Ospedale V. Fazzi di Lecce - ASL Lecce
  • UOC di Pediatria - Ospedale A. Perrino - Brindisi - ASL Brindisi
  • Ospedale Pediatrico Giovanni XXII Bari


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